Food for Thought pt.2

Adam Ashton Kinion
The Echelon
Published in
Dec 7, 2017


What separates me from most people is that I realize that we as #humans have limitations, yet I don't set any limitations for myself.

“I hope I don’t run into someone I know tonight at this #pub…”, said the man. His friend responded, “I hope you know everyone here”.

Each day we are dealt a new #hand, metaphorically. Remember, play the #hand that you are dealt.

There are reasons for most things & and occurrences in life, but some things do not have a distinct reason. When it comes to people’s behaviors and how one #person can affect another there is always a reason.

#RADE, my CRO, went from an infant to a #toddler, metaphorically, in a hotel room.

Your delirium states are what truly defines your intelligence.

